
by David A. Rutchik.
The device is very similar to the Mag-Gen working on the TOMI principles outlined in those discussions about the Mag-Gen device as detailed by Phil Dunham and it also displays some of the properties of the Triangle Gate except in a reverse way. Interestingly enough though is the fact that the rails of the device are each made of individual magnets and therefore the slotting of the magnets as in the Mag Gen is not required and this may allow for a way to close the loop. Presently the track is a straight line and not very long. I have made longer tracks based on similar designs and was able to get the traveler to run the length of those tracks. Could a closed circle be achieved, if one considers that a straight line is really a circumference of a circle with an infinite radius then why not?

The complete document is at

Some of you might want to try this. Get some old clothes hangers (wire). Cut (6) pieces 6" long each. Bend each piece in halve until there is a 3" space between each leg of the piece. It now looks like a open end triangle or a "V". Take (3) of your Bowman magnets 3/8" X1" and stick them together making a now 3" magnet. You don't have to glue them together. There is now only one bloch wall in the combined magnets. Lay your "V" 's on the floor in a line. Place a piece of Plexiglas on top of them and place your 3" magnet at the starting "V" and see if you can get it to roll on top of the Plexiglas through all the "V" 's. The triangle "V" is a one way gate when combined with the other "V" 's. Now, if you get this simple experiment to work. Can you put the "V" 's on a wheel and get it to turn continually?

WOW it really works in the linear configuration you described! I used 15cm pieces bicycle wheel spokes bent in equilateral V configuration. My magnet was 15pcs stack of 12.6mm od x 5mm thick disc magnets. The only problem I can see with the triangle gate is that the iron probably slowly magnetizes in the long run. How would this affect the performance? The rotating hamster cage type of wheel made out of multiple triangle gates would be a nice idea (the magnet wouldn't move I assume, the wheel would rotate around it). I wonder if it would be possible to use magnets for the triangle gates instead of iron (I'm still worried about iron magnetization), might also increase the power somewhat. Thanks Robert, nice to see something work for a change, there has been quite a lot of frustration with the MXLO motor.... Tero

Hello Robert Here was my test is I cut small triangle about 18 gauge and mounted it under my model plastic train. then I put 1/4 rods in rows under plastic plex. I was amazed how the train moved over the rods and went to the other end. Thought about making a circle but got distracted with other things as you know. It seems the iron was gauge and regauging as it went over. Here is the triangle word again!! Wayne

Eric, Norman, Robert and others, I placed the six triangles (equilateral V shape, 7.5cm side length) in a track configuration with 2cm distance between tips of the triangle. Looks like this: >>>>>> and the magnet travels from right to left. You can adjust the driving force at least by making the triangles closer together. Also possibly by using thicker iron wire and smaller distance between tracks and the magnet (I didn't have a suitable plexiglass piece at hand, used 6mm thick cutting board which is too short for long tracks). I also noticed that if you make the V of two separate pieces (so you don't bend it), it won't work as well (or perhaps not at all). It seems to need a magnetic connection between the sides of the triangle. I think the whole point here is the bent V shape, thanks Robert! I tried different configurations, works just fine if you start in the middle of the sequence, it goes in the right direction (doesn't even seem to have a sticky point or hesitation). I also tried angling the base, works just fine with angles up to 5degrees I'd say. Also, you don't need to give the magnet any sort of push, but it accelerates smoothly and perfectly on it's own. You just drop the magnet on the track and off it goes! Note that the track is quite sensitive to the placement of the V's (they need to be in good alignment for smooth operation). The most amazing thing is that this linear V triangle track does not seem to need regauging at all! This is really significant, as you can have as long completely flat track as you wish! This is unlike all other magnetic ramps (Adsitt, Naudin SMOT, TOMI device) that I know of. Going to be a sleepless night tonight here in cold Europe... :-) Tero

Hi, Mine works just fine without lock-ups, I feel that I could make a 2 meter long track with no problems, but that would require 100 triangles with 20mm spacing :-) My wire is 2mm diam. My triangles have a 75mm side length. I got my bike wheel spokes in 300mm length, so just cut them in half and bent in the middle. My magnet stack is 75mm long and 12.6mm diam. I used plastic rollers at the ends to keep the rotor straight and aligned over the track. The nylon rollers (actually bearings with a short M6 bolt instead of a hole in the middle) are 32mm diam. The rollers lift the rotor 10mm above the plexiglass (not a direct contact as robert suggested) and it still works, it actually works better with the rollers as it helps to keep the rotor aligned with the track. You can reduce the gap if you use smaller rollers (I used what I had available at this late hour). I noticed that you really need to have good alignment of the triangles as well. Make sure they are all the same size and shape. The gap between triangles is 20mm. The roller will go faster and pull better if I reduce it. I took a quick picture of my experiment, may be found in Tero folder in the Files section. File name is linear_triangle_track_experiment.jpg. I would have taken a video, but my digital camera can't record video. Perhaps later. Regards, Tero

Since everyone are onto the idea of iron and someone will come up with a working magnetic motor soon I will tell you what my idea was, have you heard of the hamster generator? well my idea was instead of a hamster running on a hamster wheel to generate electricity, I was going to use a magnet as the hamster and iron rods around the wheel for the magnet to attract, having seen the triangle gate, I would say that will work even better then just iron rods around the wheel. It would work like this V iron rods around the outside of a hamster wheel as the rotor, a magnet above the wheel as the stator, on one side of the rotor a circle of button magnets like in the hamster generator and coils wire outside the button magnets, as each V rod is pulled and pushed through the magnetic slators field it moves the rotor, as the rotor moves it spins the button magnets on the side of the rotor through the coils generating electricity. For it to work the button magnets should be placed so they don't interfere with the V rods and change the magnetic field in the V rods, the only other thing I see stopping it is if the V rods don't work when they are placed in a circle like permanent magnets. Graham

Nov. the 22th, 2005 I received a message from Dan. He suggested that I posted the following text as un update to this page.
Here it is...

It is simple for you to duplicate the experiment from your site to confirm my findings. I experimented with the Triangle Gate, only to discover is it just a simple "magnetic ramp". All pull comes from the first triangle, and after that it just coasts. With a short track, it looks like it might work, but it will get stuck at the end. Simple proof of what I say, is to make a long track, and put the magnetic roller in the middle. It will not move. That solves that. I also made over-sized and under-sized triangles, much wider, and much narrower than the roller. Same effect. So, sadly, the "Triangle Magnetic Gate" is really a gate, and we must continue the search. If you find me in error, and that the roller is accelerated INTO, and maintains velocity OUT OF and totally AWAY FROM the gate, please contact me with the plans that work. Thanks for the work you put into keeping your site up. I shall now experiment with Graham's "Corner Gate".

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