
Dual Piston Device

Perhaps this will drive the shield 2009-06-03
[Geneva drive]

The latest prototype 2009-05-08
Or download DP2_movie.wmv.
Or download DP2_idea1.wmv.

[Most recent]
In this prototype, the DPv2, all sliding bearings are replaced with rotating parts.
The weak point of version 1 was all the friction that build up by the sliders.
What still has to be solved is that the plexiglass wheel, with the half moon shaped steel plate in it, must make a bigger 'back and forward'-swing the the 180 degrees it is doing now.

The basic idea
The white line in between the 2 pistons (cilinder magnet with the same pole pointing to each other) is a thin sheet of mu-metal. When the sheet is inserted, the pistons are attracted to the center. After removing the sheet, the pistons are repelling.

The simulation

Building progress 2007-04-24

A device shown at Kunstlaber Augsburg 2004
extract of the report Lab30 festival (CC), Erwan Pottier

Or download this The believe machine.(right click: save target as...)

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